Get Your Best Summer Body Without Hitting the Gym!
Summer is here, and it is time to bring out those
dresses, miniskirts and shorts. After a whole season of drinking hot chocolate
and eating warm bread rolls, we understand if you might not feel like your best
self in your summer clothes. Also, given the peppy weather, it is a great time
to get engaged in some fun activities and shed the extra calories. We
understand if you might be able to afford a gym membership or might not find
time to hit up your local health club. There are so may other ways you can get
fit and have fun while you are doing it! At the end of the day, fitness is more
than just about some ideal weight and figure as propagated by mass media.
Fitness is about feeling happy and active; and being your best self. This list
will give you an idea to achieve exactly that: a state of physical and mental
well-being in some easy steps.
Hydration: With the temperatures soaring and humidity
constantly rising, it is absolutely important for you to drink at least 8-10
glasses of water every day. Water maintains the proper functioning of all your
organs and aids digestion, thus maintaining your overall fitness level. Without
proper hydration, you will feel sluggish, your skin will start looking dull and
you might even run the risk of dehydration. If you can not drink that much
water, try infusing it with lemons and cucumber for some added flavours and nutritious
2. Little droplets make an ocean: It is the small efforts you make every day that
count. If you walk home from work instead of taking a cab, you will end up
burning a few calories as well as saving a few extra bucks. If that is not
feasible for you, run errands on foot. Do not drive to local stores and take
the staircase instead of the elevator wherever you can and see the difference.
3. Pay attention to diet: This is probably the most cliché advice ever but
hear us out. It works. You do not need to put yourself on some extreme diet to
see changes. Cut back on salty and sugary foods. Include more protein and
vegetables in your diet and start the morning with fresh fruits. Drink green
tea instead of dairy-based beverages. These little changes will go a long way
in improving your fitness and making your skin glow.
4. Watch your lifestyle: This one is tried and tested and comes with the
trainer’s stamp of approval. No matter how religiously you go for your morning
diet or you stick to your diet, if you can not manage stress and get a solid 8
hours of sleep, you will not see changes. Our body does all the real
“betterment” processes while we are sleeping, hence sound sleep is
5. Wear your confidence: At the end of the day, if you are feeling positive
and confident in your summer clothes, it does not matter whether you have the
so-called ideal body. Your confidence and happiness will radiate and that is
the most important part of how you appear to the world. So, keep making efforts
towards a healthier lifestyle, not just for the weighing scale and the
measuring tape but for your own happiness.
These were some of the easiest things you could
do in order to become a fitter version of yourself this summer. We hope you
follow these and have fun while doing it!