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    Most Popular Original Series on Netflix

    Terms like ‘binge watch’ and ‘Netflix and Chill’ are quite synonymous to this generation and has entered the cultural lexicon. Many OTT platforms are releasing their original productions and some of them turn out to be worth the wait and binge-watching experience. With tons of series being produced these days, it has become really confusing for people to choose which one to watch and which one to leave. We have taken the liberty to collate a list of series that are most popular and that you must watch.

    1. Extraction
      One of the most anticipated releases of this year. The series is packed with thrill and action sequences that keep you gripped and looking for more throughout. The movie is about a mercenary who is sent to Bangladesh to rescue the son of an Indian drug lord because of the rivalry between the 2. Endless fight scenes, chase scenes, great direction, and background score are things that come along.

    2. Stranger Things
      The series has 3 seasons with the first one being about a boy named Will who is captured by a creature. His mother then recruits the local sheriff to investigate her son’s disappearance. Meanwhile, Will’s friends befriend an alien-like girl who has telepathic. This is a good PG sci-fi/horror like blockbuster.

    3. Sex Education
      This is a British teen comedy that explores cringe worthy topics and taboo topics that are associated with sex. It showcases the journey of a mother-son pair who make their way through those uncomfortable talks. The mother is a sex therapist. Sex is a goldmine of comedy.

    4. Marvel’s Daredevil
      The series has been well written and brilliantly shot. This character of the Marvel universe lives way out of their complete universe that it is completely distinctive. It is darker and grittier than the movie franchise but with enough humour as well. The fight scenes in the series are brutal. The combination of great writing, direction, and acting make it one of the best Netflix originals