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    Caring of skin and hair during monsoon

    Monsoon gives you a perfect reason to have some delicious snacks with your evening tea. But as the season approaches beating down the scorching heat, it also brings in allergies and hair problems which you should take notice of.

    With a high amount of humid air all around, it’s important to care for your skin and nourish your hair with the essential remedies and keep them healthy.

    Here are some the things you can do to keep them good this coming monsoon:

    Skin Care- A Must

    While many people opt out for facial remedies and beauty products, these are some simple yet effective ways to pamper your skin:

            Rains and clouds don’t keep you away from the harmful ultra-violet rays. Never forget to apply sunscreen even during monsoon to prevent skin problems.
            Try washing your face 2-3 times a day and avoid using oily products to prevent acne and pimples on your skin.
            Cleanse your skin with aloe-vera, lemon, and exfoliate it to remove dirt particles.
            Keep it toned and moisturized using rosewater, cucumber, or alcohol-free toners. This makes it look soft and hydrated and removes dullness despite your skin type.
            Adding vitamins in your diet and drinking water will help your skin retain its natural glow.
            Use water-proof light makeup on your skin.

    Hair & Care

    Good hair can add natural beauty to your everyday look. Here are some tips to nurture them:

            Wash them thrice a week and apply mild shampoo and good conditioner to avoid frizziness.
            Massage your hair 2 times a week using coconut oil to avoid a dry scalp.
            Keep it dry to skip bad odor and hair breakage.
            Ensure proper diet.

    With monsoon bringing in high humidity and impure rainwater, it better to pamper yourself first than to regret later.