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    Solo traveling, the best therapy to find yourself

    Travelling seems to be exciting for most people, but when it comes to solo traveling women do give it a second thought. Well, women today are bold enough to make a solo trip, but what of those who find it difficult. A solo trip is something that can help you spend time with yourself and give yourself a space to love you in yourself. If you have ever went on a solo trip, then it can be daunting for you and hence you need to begin with some prep to go for a solo trip.
    To make your Instagram LIT with the beautiful pictures of solo trip you can plan and then rock the trip.
    Safety first
    While planning the trip, especially solo trip you are the one who is only and only supposed to be concern about your safety. While planning for such trips you need to choose a safe destination and the places which suit you to travel.
    Try to explore during the day
    When you are in a different city or region, then you are supposed to do it during the day time as most of the incidents happen during night time. If you are travelling to far destinations, then use trusted transportation which provides private cabinets or couchette that can be locked.
    Do not try to stand out
    Most of the people when are in a group with someone try to stand out of the crowd, which gets notified and people notice that you are not from that particular country or region. Do try to blend yourself as per the region or country. Try to dress like them and this can help you avoid catching the attention of other people.
    Stay in touch with social media
    Letting people know when and where are you travelling is the best way to let them know that you are safe. Number of times it is not possible to stay in touch with family or friends and leaving a hint on social media is a great way to assure that you are safe. Also, when you travel new places become friends on social media which can help you stay in touch with them.
    You are not alone
    One of the biggest fear that hits the solo traveler is they think they might feel lonely after a point.  Well, that not true. Yes at times you may bump in the road which may make you feel homesick, but travel is a journey and solo travelling is sometimes required.
    So next time when you wish to have a solo trip do not fear and simply jump in, pack your bags and enjoy the trip.