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    Best abs workout for women

    Getting defined abs is a goal of many women. We have to follow a proper workout and diet routine to achieve this. Other than this, practicing an ab workout can benefit women in plenty of ways. It is great for getting relief from back pain and sore muscles. The core gets built up making you flexible, strong, and stable. Here are 5 most effective exercises for a strong core.

    Crunch and reach with tabletop
    Lie on your back while you place your feet on a tabletop making 90 degrees at the knees. Take weights on both your hands and come up. Reach out these weights till your ankle come back to the initial position. This adds an overhead extension to intensify the regular crunches.

    Reverse crunch with heel touches
    Lie down and keep your knees at a 90-degree position. As you come up for a crunch, place your foot on the ground. Release this position and come back to normal with the knees at the tabletop position. This is great to get a proper posture.

    Crunch and reach
    This is a modified crunch exercise. Lie down on your back and keep your knees bent. Keep your arms overhead and come up while keeping your feet firm. As you come up, move your hands in between your knees. This engages your core muscles. Slowly retreat and take your arms back to your head.

    Bicycle crunches
    Lie down on your back and keep your knees up. Place your hands behind your head and bring your right leg towards your chest. Simultaneously, take your left elbow near the right leg. Let the other leg not touch the ground as you do this. Repeat this with alternative legs. This helps in toning your abdominal muscles.

    Plank walkouts on forearm
    Come to the plank position with your forearm. Now without moving your hips, walkout your right foot for a few steps. Come back and repeat it with the other foot. Ensure to keep your core engaged for gaining strength.