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    As someone rightly said, “Beauty is the radiance of your soul.”

    With social media influencers and YouTubers giving us tips on doing proper skincare and perfect makeup, we have forgotten the fundamentals of beauty.

    So, here I am to remind you of some of the basic things you need to know about beauty.

    6 things about beauty everyone should know

    We often miss out on the smallest of things which can lead to bigger problems later. Thus, following these tips will help you achieve both healthy skin and beauty at the same time.

    Tip 1 – Eating the Right Food

    Keep a note of your eating habits. Eat the right mixture of vitamins, proteins, fruits, and vegetables. Add low-sugar and fat-free foods in your diet.

    Tip 2 – Beauty Sleep

    The right amount of sleep (8 hours a day) can give your skin a brightening look and avoid dull baggy eyes. 

    Tip 3 – Being hydrated always

    Hydration is something one shouldn’t miss. Drinking plenty of water brightens and oxygenates your skin from inside. Also, drinking fluids can give essential nutrients to your skin.

    Tip 4 – Keep your hands away

    The more you keep your hands away, the better it is for your skin. The bacteria and dirt can come in direct contact with your skin and cause damage.

    Tip 5 – Avoid too many products

    As the adage says “Too many cooks spoil the broth”; similarly, if you apply too many products on your skin for achieving beauty, it can lead to breakage and clogging of skin pores.

    Tip 6 – A healthy exercise

     Avoid stress and anxiety. Breathing exercises, yoga, meditation, and other physical exercises can keep your body healthy, mind at peace, and your skin beautiful and radiant.
    Lastly, put a smile on your face and be confident in yourself.