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    Pilates Workouts For Strength And Conditioning

    Pilates is one of the best exercises if you want to build a strong core, enhance endurance, rehabilitate injuries, manage low back pain, and improve your balance and posture. Pilates consists of slow movements that are well controlled and activate the right muscles to improve your muscle tone, burn calories, and improve your balance and flexibility. Here are a few exercises that you can do to strengthen your core.

    1. Leg Circle
      Lie on the yoga mat with your face up and your hands by your side but palms facing downwards. Now place your left foot flat on the floor while bending your knees and extend your right leg up making it perpendicular to the floor. Now, circle your legs in clockwise and anti-clockwise direction bringing it back to the starting position. Complete the maximum number of circles you can and then repeat the same steps for the other leg

    2. Saw
      This exercise targets the abs, obliques, and the lower back region. Sit on a yoga mat and spread you legs mat width apart and your arms out on your sides and completely straight. This is your starting position. Bend forward and twist to your left and try to touch your left foot with your right palm. Hold for 3 breaths and then get back to the starting position. Now repeat this for the other sides as well

    3. Bridge This exercise targets your glutes, hamstrings, quads, and abs. Lie down on a yoga mat with flat feet on the floor, your knees flexed, and the hands by your side. Ensure that your tailbone is touching the floor completely. Now squeeze your glutes and push your hips up slowly while you breathe. Now lower your hips back to the starting position. Repeat this 8 times for 3 sets.